Great Tips from Adobe

Last week I wrote about an eseminar that Rick Borstein and Tim Huff from Adobe weAdobere presenting about 30 tricks for using Adobe Acrobat. I attended the seminar and thought that it was excellent.

If you did not attend the webinar, I recommend that you download the written materials. The materials contain lots of screen shots and are easy to follow. Based upon comments during the session, the eseminar should be uploaded to Adobe’s website in a day or so.

In addition to the tricks that I learned (which were several) I was also impressed with how Adobe Connect worked. I had never before experienced Adobe Connect. The interface was very nice. Also, it appeared to allow the presenter to take polls very easily to gauge the user experience level and software version of the attendees.

Acrobat is a program that I use every day in my work. Yet, I am constantly amazed at the many things that the program can do. Without a doubt, it is one of the most powerful programs in your arsenal. I have found, however, that most people use it for nothing more than creating or reading PDFs. Acrobat does so much more, however.

Just recently, I have integrated Acrobat into my research. When I find relevant cases on Westlaw, I email the case to myself in Word format. I then print the case to PDF and then do all of my commenting or highlighting on the electronic version. This means I have all of my thoughts with me all of the time without having to carry around stacks of cases with my illegible notes.

If you are using Acrobat only to create and read PDFs, check out the eseminar and see some of the many things that you can be doing with Acrobat.

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