Another Cool Feature in Adobe Acrobat

If you read this blog regularly, you probably already know that I am a big fan of Adobe Acrobat. I use it on a daily basis in my practice. One of the things that always frustrated me, however, was that the “recently opened files” list (you know the one that appears at the bottom of the file menu) has only the last five files opened. Plus, unlike most other programs, I was unable to find a way to expand this list.

A few days ago, I happened to notice that right above the 5 last opened files is a link called History. Clicking on it, I discovered that it allows me to see all files that I have opened Today, Yesterday, The Last 7 Days, The Last 30 Days, and The Last 12 Months.

What a great feature. I don’t know why I never saw this before. However, if you, like me, get frustrated with the recently opened file limitation, you now know that there is a great solution that gives you access to so much more.