The City of Books

Powells City of BooksWhile in Portland, I was able to visit Powell’s Books, which claims to be the world’s largest independent used and new bookstore. I can’t verify this, but I can verify that it is huge, and, without a doubt, the coolest bookstore I have ever been in. To get an idea of the organizational structure of the store, check out this diagram.

It has loads of books lots of different floors and rooms in which the books are displayed. Fortunately there are maps available at the information desks, and the books are well4 Books catagroized. Thus, despite the fact that there are thousands of books to choose from, it was relatively simple for me to wander into the Fantasy & Science Fiction area and spend the better part of an hour browsing books.

The big problem was trying to decide what books not to buy. I got out of there buying only four books. However, there were many more that I wanted. Further, they had Cory Doctorow‘s Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town on sale and I did not pick it up. I am still kicking myself over that. Although I love Little Brother, Someone Comes to Town is my favorite Doctorow book. Yet I do not yet own it.

Other than that, my visit to Powells was wonderful. If you like books and you are ever in Portland, you must visit this bookstore.