Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

MistbornI know that I am late coming to this party, but I just finished Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson, and it is great. My reading tastes are quite varied, however, when given the choice, I usually read thrillers or science fiction. For the most part, I do not read fantasy. However, in anticipation of the launch of Tor.com, Tor  gave away electronic editions of several of its books. Some of the books I had already read. In other cases, the giveaway introduced me to books that I would not have read otherwise. One of those books was Mistborn.

Once I started Mistborn, I was hooked. The characters are well done and intersting. The story is interesting, plus it contains enough twists to keep you interested and provide surprises. In short, the story is, at its most base level, a heist story with the biggest goal possible, the overthrow of the government.

In addition to the interesting story, the book also contains a logical, well-developed magic system. Sanderson clearly put a lot of thought into the magic system and that shows. On top of this, Sanderson does an excellant job detailing the fight scenes in the book. As I was reading the fights, I could picture the action clearly in my mind.

As an additional bonus, on his website, Sanderson includes annotations for each of the chapters in the book. These provide a great behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the book.

If you are looking for a good book to read, I cannot recommend Mistborn more highly.