You Send It: Sending Large Files By Email

Most email systems limit the attachment to your emails to 2MB. Even if your email provider does not have such a limitation, you really should not be emailing such large files. What are you to do, however, if you need to send a large file to someone else and you want the convenience of email?You Send It

A popular solution is You Send It.  You Send it has a variety of plans available from Free (always a favorite) to $29.99 a month. The various plans offer differing amounts of time that the files are available for download, password protections, and limits on file size.

If this is an occasional need for you, the free plan will likely meet your needs. The utility of this service has previously been noted by David Swanner, Futurelawyer, and Jim Calloway.

One thought on “You Send It: Sending Large Files By Email

  1. Another option is File Apartment

    – Easy to use
    – Free option, safe, and secure
    – No software to download or registration required
    – Supports up to 1 gb

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