Featured in a TechnoFeature

As reported on the TechnoLawyer Blog last week, my article, Top 12 Treo Program for Lawyers on the Go was featured as this week’s TechnoFeature. TechnoLawyer summarized the article as:

Do you only use your Treo as a phone and to occasionally check your email? Did you know that you can also use it listen to music, read books, review documents, share photos, and much more? In this article, attorney Bryan Sims details his top 12 Treo programs for the mobile lawyer (we tried to stop him at 10, but he just kept writing). Among his picks, you’ll find both free and commercial programs, professional programs geared for productivity, and programs that just make a Treo more fun.

I will post a full copy of the article in this space later this week. In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to TechnoLawyer.

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