When Technology Goes Awry

If you do any speaking at all, this post from Michael Hyatt is a must read. He providesPowerpoint three tips to avoid a technology breakdown:

  1. Make a backup
  2. Print your notes
  3. Test your equipment

He also provides three tips for what to do if your technology fails:

  1. Apologize once and stop apologizing
  2. Fish or cut bait
  3. Remember you are the presentation

He goes into detail for each of his tips. My favorite is his fish or cut bait tip.

Make a decision to “fish or cut bait.” You have to retain control. Everything feels like it is in slow motion. You want to scream. But give them a couple of minutes. You have to go with your gut. Are you confident that they know what they are doing? Or, are they clueless and just hoping they get lucky? Only you can make the call. If it is the latter, than you have to ditch the PowerPoint and get the techies off the stage. This is where you need to be direct but not rude. “Gentlemen, don’t worry about it. I will make the presentation without my slides. Thank you very much.” And then, to the audience, “Let’s give these guys a big hand for a valiant attempt.”

Check out the post and read up on all of the tips and suggestions from Michael.

One thought on “When Technology Goes Awry

  1. Or like Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men…look like everything that happens you expected to happen…or be a good lawyer, ask what’s the worst thing that can happen and be prepared for it!

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