Setting up a paperless office only requires buying some hardware and software, but successfully maintaining a paperless office requires re-defining your everyday workflows. Our paperless faculty will show you how to streamline the logistics around your digital documents after the scanner – when you need to manage them, store them, and most importantly, find them later. This session will help you truly become victorious in your paperless quest!

This webinar is part of the ABA TECHSHOW Summer Series reproducing some of the highest rated programs from the Conference for bringing lawyers and technology together. These sessions will help you become more proficient in your use of technology in your practice.

Date: September 10, 2015
Time: 12:00-01:30 p.m. CT
Event: Beyond the Scanner: Paperless Workflows That Work
Sponsor: American Bar Association
Registration: Click here to register.
More Info: Click here for more information.

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