I Will Be Speaking At ABA Techshow 2014

I can’t believe that I have not mentioned this, but I will be speaking at ABA Techshow 2014. The title of my session is Leveraging Technology for Practice Efficiency. The session will be on Thursday, March 27, at 4 pm.

I will be presenting with Victor Medina, which I am thrilled to do. I have long been a fan of his podcast SmartTalk, which he does with Mark Merenda.

Techshow 2014I am a big fan of this conference and it is a true honor to be asked to speak. If you have been considering attending this year’s show, now is the time to act. Early Bird registration ends on February 10.

Having attended the show both as a speaker and an attendee, I can assure you that it is well worth the investment of the time and money. I have attended many informative sessions at past shows. Additionally, I have always found interesting new technology in the Expo Hall, which is absolutely free to visit.