TCL Podcast Aaron’s Computer Setup Checklist

TCL Podcast

Episode 12 of the podcast has dropped. We talk about Aaron’s Computer Setup Checklist. Click on the picture above to access the podcast. You can also subscribe with your favorite podcast app, service, or site.

If you have questions or topic suggestions, email us at

You can download a copy of Aaron’s checklist at this link.

I Will Be Speaking At ABA Techshow 2014

I can’t believe that I have not mentioned this, but I will be speaking at ABA Techshow 2014. The title of my session is Leveraging Technology for Practice Efficiency. The session will be on Thursday, March 27, at 4 pm.

I will be presenting with Victor Medina, which I am thrilled to do. I have long been a fan of his podcast SmartTalk, which he does with Mark Merenda.

Techshow 2014I am a big fan of this conference and it is a true honor to be asked to speak. If you have been considering attending this year’s show, now is the time to act. Early Bird registration ends on February 10.

Having attended the show both as a speaker and an attendee, I can assure you that it is well worth the investment of the time and money. I have attended many informative sessions at past shows. Additionally, I have always found interesting new technology in the Expo Hall, which is absolutely free to visit.

Service by Email Comes to Illinois

Recently the Illinois Supreme Court adopted an amendment to Supreme Court Rule 11, which deals with service of documents to opposing parties. This amendment, which takes effect January 1, 2013, allows attorneys to serve documents by email and it requires attorneys to provide an email address for service on all appearances and pleadings.

I think this is a great change. Admittedly, I think the rule requires some refinement (e.g., what formats are appropriate, when is email service effective). However, on the whole, I think this is a great step forward.

One Laptop Per ChildNot unexpectedly, however, there has been a significant outcry from members of the bar who are raising objections to this. Some of the objections that I see include the typical claims that this discriminates against attorneys who are not technologically savvy and that it provides no exemption for attorneys who do not have an email address.

Excuse me, but that is the most ridiculous thing that I have heard. I was doubly struck by the ridiculousness of the statement when I recently read an article about the One Laptop Per Child Program. This program aims to increase education by providing educational software to children in third world countries.

I recently read an article in which OLPC distributed Motorola Xoom tablets in Ethiopian villages. Significantly, the tablets were “distributed” by leaving them in sealed boxes in the middle of the village. Further, the village was one in which the children were illiterate. In fact, neither the children nor almost all of the adults in the village had never before seen the written word.

Notably, the children were provided with absolutely no instruction at all. OLPC monitored these devices and what the learned was amazing:

We left the boxes in the village. Closed. Taped shut. No instruction, no human being. I thought, the kids will play with the boxes! Within four minutes, one kid not only opened the box, but found the on/off switch. He’d never seen an on/off switch. He powered it up. Within five days, they were using 47 apps per child per day. Within two weeks, they were singing ABC songs [in English] in the village. And within five months, they had hacked Android. Some idiot in our organization or in the Media Lab had disabled the camera! And they figured out it had a camera, and they hacked Android.

Think about it. Within 5 months, these children, who were not only illiterate, but also had never before seen the written word, were able to hack the security on the tablet to enable the camera.

I think if illiterate children in a third world country can manage to do that, then highly educated attorneys can figure out a way to obtain and manage an email address.

Although not related to OLPC project or email specifically, I find the following video on point.

ISBA and the US Supreme Court

I just saw on the ISBA’s Illinois Lawyer Now Blog that the ISBA has five spots left for its trip for members to be admitted to the United States Supreme Court.

I went on one of these trips a few years ago. Based on my experience the, let me say that, if you have been considering this, sign up right now. I had an absolute blast on my trip and I cannot recommend this trip highly enough.

Handling Fame

I am too young to have enjoyed Dick Cavett. Sure, I know who he is. However, I just never watched him on television.

Now I get the opportunity to experience him a new with his blog at the New York Times. He writes about a variety of topics and I find myself enjoying his posts more often than not. His latest post focuses on fame, but touches on a variety of other topics as well, including being careful about what conclusions we draw about people.

I know this has nothing to do with either technology or the law. However, I urge you to check out what he has to say.