It’s Been One Year

It has been one year since I officially launched The Connected Lawyer. I thought I would take a second to detail some statistical information. In that time, I have made 182 posts. Of those posts, my most popular posts have been my series on formatting in Word. The categories that I posted in most frequently were Software, Tips and Tricks, and Internet.

The most interesting statistic to me, however, relates to the operating system used by the people viewing my website. According to StatPress (which was not operating all year) the page visits from the various operating systems are:

  • Windows XP 58.5%
  • Linux 15.1%
  • Windows Vista 5.6%
  • Mac OS 5.1%
  • Windows NT 5%

What I find most interesting about this is that three times as many page views came from people using Linux as did those from people using Vista. Also, almost as many visits came from people using Windows NT as from using Vista.

I know that I have been hesitant to jump on the Vista bandwagon. From the looks of these numbers, it appears that I am far from the only person who is avoiding Vista.