So Close, But Not Quite There Yet

A few weeks ago I received an email from one of the bankruptcy courts to which I am admitted. The email announced that they will be doing an “ECF Tip of the Month.” The idea is to address problems commonly encountered with the ECF system.

For example, the first tip is for filing an amended creditor matrix. From viewing the materials in the tip, it appears that people are filing the amended matrix as an original matrix.

The tip contains good information and includes a tutorial in Adobe Captivate that shows how to properly upload the creditor matrix. I think this is a good idea and eventualy it will provide a good source of archived tips.

I have two issues with how they have implimented it, however. First, there is no RSS feed. This is the perfect type of material to have an RSS feed with. Why make it difficult for people to find the tips when they are released. Second, there is no separate landing page for the Tip of the Month. Instead there is a blinking title over the link to the tip of the month, that takes you to the particular demo. Once again, if this is something you want people to access regularly, it should have its own page on the website.