Link Array

I have way too many links about a variety of things that I planned to blog about but I realized that I never will. Thus, I decided to throw a few up as a variety of links.

The Connectict Legislature has raided the state bar’s Client Security Fund. I have seen politicians do some pretty bad things (remember, I live in Illinois), but this has to be one of the worst things I have seen.

Four ways to keep your public Wi-Fi connection secure. This is a security risk that most people do not even think about.

Advanced voicemail for your cell phone.

Software for your office. All on a  USB bdrive.

20 pages every blog should have. I don’t agree that every blog should have every one of these pages. However, you probably should have many of these somewhere on your site.

Creating a customized Google Map.

How to create a “luggage tag” for your USB drive.

I think I have linked to this before. However, it’s so important you should read it again. Secure passwords keep you safer.

Avvo’s top 5 books featuring lawyers.

How to geotag your photos.