Thinking of Hanging Out Your Own Shingle? Please Join Us.

I am honored to have been asked to present for the Illinois State Bar Association at a seminar called Hanging Out Your Shingle (Without Hanging Yourself). The program will be presented at the Northern Illinois Conference Center at 8500 East State St., Rockford, Illinois on Friday, March 27, 2009.

I will be speaking on setting up your operations, with a concentration on computers and other equipment. My program is described as:

Establishing a 21st century law practice raises a variety of technology issues that every private practitioner must consider in their efforts to provide efficient and competent legal services. In this segment, the speaker will provide tips on acquiring office equipment, purchasing a computer system, filing electronically, conducting a mobile practice, and handling phone calls 24/7.

I gave a similar presentation last June and enjoyed myself. I am looking forward to this one as well.

The program is geared for new solo or small firm lawyers and, in addition to my subject, will also cover topics such as Getting and keeping good clients; Treating your law firm like a business; Setting up your office space; and Billing, fees, and collections.

If you are a new solo or small firm attorney, I urge you to check out the program and join us on March 27 for a great program.

One thought on “Thinking of Hanging Out Your Own Shingle? Please Join Us.

  1. Why don’t members of the sponsoring section council who are actual solos invited to present at that CLE? Off course that’s not a criticism of The Connected Lawyer who’s first rate.

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