The Mobile Practice of Law

I sometimes get asked why I scan every document on every case that I have. Or, why do I think an attorney should have a laptop computer. Or, why do I suggest that an attorney needs conveniences such as a virtual fax service or a smartphone. This is the answer to all of those questions:

Ocean Shores Beach

This picture is what I saw out my window this morning while working. My wife is on the Pacific Coast on business and I decided to travel with her. While she is off doing her business-type stuff, I can work from our hotel room, with the sound of waves crashing against the beach to keep me company. When she gets done with her stuff, we can go out together and do touristy stuff.

This is a great time for us to do things together, yet it still allows me to effectively use the downtime I have while she is off working. Because I have all of my documents on all of my cases with me. I can work on whatever needs work without worrying about making sure I took the right files with me.