Wireless Network Security

PC World has a nice article on security on wireless networks. The articles address both how to secure your own wireless network as well as how to ensure that your communications are protected when you are using a public hotspot.

In the article, the author talks about something that usually gets very little attention: the use of VPNs at public hotspots. With respect to VPNs, the article states:

The best way to protect a public wireless link is by using a virtual private network, or VPN. VPNs keep your communications safe by creating secure “tunnels” through which your encrypted data travels. Many companies provide VPN service to their mobile and offsite workers, so check with your IT department for connection instructions.

You can also use a paid service such as Boingo’s Personal VPN (free trial with Boingo subscription, $30 to keep), JiWire Hotspot Helper (10-day free trial, $25 per year) or Witopia personalVPN ($40 per year). All three of the services are simple to install and use.

You have one more security option: If you don’t mind connecting through your home or office PC, you can log in to a public hotspot securely by using such remote-access programs as LogMeIn or GoToMyPC.

If you have questions about wireless security, this is a good article to check out.