Tips for Generating Traffic for Your Blog

Via a link from Grant Griffiths’s blog Sunflower Media Concepts, I found a blog post by Nicole Black and her Sui Generis blog where she provides 10 Tips for generating traffic on for your legal blog. Her tips are:

  1. Decide why you’re starting a legal blog
  2. Determine who your target readers are
  3. Create a blogroll
  4. Consider adding a link to Evan Schaeffer’s Legal Underground
  5. Make sure that Tom Mighell is aware of your blog
  6. Add your blog the legal blog directories
  7. Submit blog posts to Blawg Review
  8. Read Lexblog
  9. Regularly link to other blogs in your posts
  10. Submit relevant comments to law blogs somewhat similar to your own

Check out Nicole’s entire post where she expands on each of these tips.