At the ISBA Solo and Small Firm Conference

I have arrived at the ISBA Solo and Small Firm Conference. I have already ran into some friendly faces and am excited about the upcoming programs. I am speaking on both Friday and Saturday, but I have today free to enjoy the conference, attend some sessions and visit with friends that  I rarely get to see.

I hope to see you at the conference.

Blogging–Survivor Style

Sean Carter has proposed a Surivor-style blogging challenge in an attempt to build a habit of posting a blog entry each day. As Sean explains:

If you’re like me, then every Sunday afternoon, you say to yourself, “This week is the week that I start blogging regularly! I mean it this time!” However, before you know it, it’s Thursday and you haven’t posted a single entry on your blog. So you say to yourself, “Next week is the week that I start blogging regularly! I mean it this time!”

I know that I have had weeks like this and I like Sean’s idea of trying to get in a habit of posting daily. Hop over to Sean’s blog to see the full details.

Fuzzy Navel Released

I recently reviewed an electronic ARC of Fuzzy Navel by JA Konrath. I enjoyed the book and would certainly recommend it if you have read and enjoyed his other novels.

Anyway, the book’s release date is today. If you have been waiting for it, wait no more. If you have questions, check out my earlier review. In either instance, Fuzzy Navel is now available for purchase.

Time to Register for 2008 ISBA Solo and Small Firm Conference

I just received the registration brochure for the 2008 ISBA Solo and Small Firm Conference. This is shaping up to be another great conference and I am really looking forward to it. There are three programing tracks with lots of good programs and speakers scheduled. I urge you to attend if at all possible.

If you register before July 15, you can take advantage of the early bird discount.

You can find out more information about the conference here. You can download the registration brochure here.