Upcoming Events

Just a note to let people know where I will be speaking in the near future.

Tomorrow, October 8, 2009, I will be speaking on Setting up your Practice: Equipment and Systems for the ISBA at a CLE on the Business Side of the Criminal Law Practice. Tomorrow’s CLE is at the Chicago Regional Office of the ISBA. A week later, I am doing the same presentation in Bloomington.

Later in the month, the ISBA is presenting the 5th Annual Solo and Small Firm Conference. There I will be presenting on Technology and Services that Every Lawyer Needs to Run the Office and The Hidden Danger: How Failing to Understand Metadata and Redaction in Electronic Documents can Ruin your Day.

I encourage you to attend the Solo Small Firm. I have been there every and have enjoyed it every time. You still have time to register. Just click here.

Tech Must Haves

I was recently interviewed for an article in the ISBA Bar Journal about must-have tech tools for solo practicioners. The article comes out in the September issue. In the meantime, you can find see a preview at Illinois Lawyer Now, the ISBA’s blog. I talked with the author for over an hour during the interview. I think she has done a good job condensing what I said into a solid article.

For a more expanded version of what I have to say on this subject, I am speaking on the issue at the ISBA Solo and Small Firm Conference, which is October 22-24, 2009, in Springfield.

Thinking of Hanging Out Your Own Shingle? Please Join Us.

I am honored to have been asked to present for the Illinois State Bar Association at a seminar called Hanging Out Your Shingle (Without Hanging Yourself). The program will be presented at the Northern Illinois Conference Center at 8500 East State St., Rockford, Illinois on Friday, March 27, 2009.

I will be speaking on setting up your operations, with a concentration on computers and other equipment. My program is described as:

Establishing a 21st century law practice raises a variety of technology issues that every private practitioner must consider in their efforts to provide efficient and competent legal services. In this segment, the speaker will provide tips on acquiring office equipment, purchasing a computer system, filing electronically, conducting a mobile practice, and handling phone calls 24/7.

I gave a similar presentation last June and enjoyed myself. I am looking forward to this one as well.

The program is geared for new solo or small firm lawyers and, in addition to my subject, will also cover topics such as Getting and keeping good clients; Treating your law firm like a business; Setting up your office space; and Billing, fees, and collections.

If you are a new solo or small firm attorney, I urge you to check out the program and join us on March 27 for a great program.

ISBA Solo and Small Firm Conference Starts Today

ISBA Solo Small Firm 2008I don’t know what your plans for today are, but I am headed to the ISBA Solo and Small Firm Conference. I will be speaking at two sessions. Today I am speaking with Nerino Petro on online applications and Software as a Service (SaaS). On Saturday, I am again speaking with Nerino, Todd Flaming, and Adam Nelson and we are presenting 60 tips in 60 minutes.

If are you attending the conference stop by and say hi. if you are not planning on attending, you should. I have attended every year and learned something every year. It is a great opportunity to meet people and get some MCLE credits at the same time.