Blogroll Update

The sites I have listed on my Blogroll are those that I read regularly. They are not necessarily the only blogs that I read. However, there are none listed that I do not regularly read. Some of those blogs on my blogroll include (in particular order):

The Dilbert Blog. I know this one has nothing to do with the law. Instead it deals with what Scott Adams calls Philosotainment. However, Adams posts everyday and his topic always amuses and interests me.

Acrobat for Legal Professionals is written by Rick Borstein, the legal Business Development Manager for Adobe. Rick’s blog includes great tips on how to get the most out of Adobe Acrobat in your law practice.

Ernie the Attorney is one of the pioneers in the blogging industry. His law related posts are great. In addition, he has provided some thoughtful and insightful posts on the effects of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans.

Futurelawyer, his tagline says it all: “Future Technology for the Lawyer of Today.” I always find interesting technological items here.

I Heart Tech provides great tips on using technology in the practice of law. She provided me with one of my all time favorite tips on how to easily alternate row shading in Excel.

Evan Schaeffer’s Legal Underground was one of the first blogs I started reading on a regular basis. I find Evan’s posts always enjoyable and engaging.