Register for the ISBA Solo & Small Firm Conference

Don’t forget to register for the ISBA Solo & Small Firm Conference. It is in Springfield again, although not at the same hotel as last year. This time the conference will be at the Hilton. I have attended every ISBA Solo & Small Firm Conference and I think it has gotten better every year.

Register by August 27, 2010 to receive the early bird discount. After that, the registration price increases.

You can download the complete schedule here.

I will be speaking at two sessions. One titled Your Secret Weapon in the War Against Paper: Adobe Acrobat and PDF. The second is titled Your Bottom Line: What You Need to Know about IOLTA and Firm Accounting, Time and Billing.

In addition we will also have the following presentations on the Tech Track:

  • Email Bankruptcy: How to Deal with Email Overload
  • Integrating Technology into the Modern Law Office to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness Without Spending a Bundle
  • Practicing in the Cloud: Pros and Cons of Software as a Service (SaaS), Online Document Repository and Virtual Law Practice
  • Document Management for the Law Office: Buy It or Build It?
  • The Ethics and Security of Cloud Computing
  • Trial Tech: Taking the Mystery out of Litigation Support Software and Trial Technology Without Breaking the Bank
  • The Barbarians are at the Gate: Securing Your Technology and Your Network
  • Mac in the Law Office: Running a Mac in a Windows World
  • I Have the Power: Using Advanced Legal Features in MS Word

In addition to these programs, the Substantive and the Effective and Ethical Practices Tracks have a variety of excellent programming as well.

You can register for the program here.