Blogroll Update: The Nutmeg Lawyer & TaxGirl

I was pleasantly surprised to see that a couple of my favorite bloggers were also participating in Sean Carter’s drive to create a regularly blogging habit. At the same time, I also noticed that my blogroll was out of date and missing some bloggers that I regularly read and enjoy. One of those is The Nutmeg Lawyer.

If you are not regularly reading his blog, you should be. It is irreverent and spot on funny. For a taste of his humor, check out his post: Saving Old Glory from Obama. Are the Birthers Right. It’s great stuff.

One of my other favorite bloggers that blogs regularly, even without Sean’s influence, is Taxgirl. Despite the fact that I have less than zero interest in tax law, I often find her posts entraining and interesting. She posts about real world tax issues and the effects of taxes on regular people. So, even if you aren’t a tax fan, check out Taxgirl, as her blog page says: “Why TaxGirl? Because paying taxes is painful… but reading about them shouldn’t be.”

Is the President a Role Model?

I normally stay away from political discussions here. However, I found a recent post by Mark Cuban particually thought provoking. Mark’s conclusion is that our President (regardless of who it is) is not a role model:

I’m not trying to call out any of the candidates on this. They are all human, with the same level of problems and vices that we all have. The point is that we live under a new reality. There are no more role models. People no longer live their lives trying to be bulletproof to media scrutiny. Personally, I don’t think that is bad at all. Maybe it’s time we finally admit that Presidents specifically, and politicians unilaterally are not role models, and stick to the issues and their ability to lead.

I don’t care if our President or VP has smoked pot. I don’t care if they weren’t a good student. I do care about how well they can do their job.

I don’t have much more to say about Cuban’s post, other than to urge you to read the entire thing.

Welcome Todd!

Welcome to Todd Flaming who has started the cleverly titled Todd Flaming’s Blog. Todd’s technology articles in the Illinois State Bar Association’s Bar News were some of my first sources of legal technology information. It’s great to see him join the blogosphere (although, according to one of his earlier posts, Todd may have been blogging before anyone else).

Treo Updates


If you like your Treo (and I certainly do) you should be reading the Treonauts blog. The blog contains reviews of Treo accessories, helping you make the decision on which accessories may work best for you. The blog also keeps you updated with current news regarding the Treo. A recent post gives us a nice summary of things happening in the new future with Palm and the Treo.

Blogroll Update

It’s time to highlight some more blogs that I read on regular basis.

A Criminal Waste of Space is a humorous column written by Justice Bedsworth. Without a doubt, he has the funniest footnotes around.

Al Nye the Lawyer Guy. I just found this blog when Al contacted me. It did not take me long to get hooked on his blog. I really like his book reviews.

Bag and Baggage by Denise Howell was one of the first prominent legal bloggers and is credited with coining the term blawg.

Blog Maverick is written by Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. Love him or hate him, Mark always has something interesting to say. He frequently asks provocative questions on the effect of technology on daily life or the law.

Blonde Justice. Although my practice does not even come close to the criminal courtroom, I am still addicted to reading this blog.

Home Office Lawyer is written by Grant Griffiths.  Despite the name of the blog, Grant provides great information that can be used by everyone who wants to leverage technology in their practice.

Inter Alia by Tom Mighell. Tom seems to find every new blog that is published. His Blog of the Day posts have introduced me to a myriad of new blogs.

Blogroll Update

The sites I have listed on my Blogroll are those that I read regularly. They are not necessarily the only blogs that I read. However, there are none listed that I do not regularly read. Some of those blogs on my blogroll include (in particular order):

The Dilbert Blog. I know this one has nothing to do with the law. Instead it deals with what Scott Adams calls Philosotainment. However, Adams posts everyday and his topic always amuses and interests me.

Acrobat for Legal Professionals is written by Rick Borstein, the legal Business Development Manager for Adobe. Rick’s blog includes great tips on how to get the most out of Adobe Acrobat in your law practice.

Ernie the Attorney is one of the pioneers in the blogging industry. His law related posts are great. In addition, he has provided some thoughtful and insightful posts on the effects of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans.

Futurelawyer, his tagline says it all: “Future Technology for the Lawyer of Today.” I always find interesting technological items here.

I Heart Tech provides great tips on using technology in the practice of law. She provided me with one of my all time favorite tips on how to easily alternate row shading in Excel.

Evan Schaeffer’s Legal Underground was one of the first blogs I started reading on a regular basis. I find Evan’s posts always enjoyable and engaging.

Blogroll Update

The sites I have listed on my Blogroll are those that I read regularly. They are not necessarily the only blogs that I read. However, there are none listed that I do not regularly read. Some of those blogs on my blogroll include (in particular order):

Solo in Chicago is written by Peter Olson who is, surprisingly enough, a solo practitioner in Chicago. I know Peter. He is a great guy and his blogs are informative.

Closing Real Estate in Chicago, also written by Peter, focuses on the real estate market in the Chicago area. A must read if you practice in this area.

Nerino Petro’s Compujurist. Nerino is the practice management advisor for the Wisconsin State Bar Association. Nerino is recognized legal technology expert and he always has great technology tips.

Practice Management Blog is the official blog blog of the law practice management section of the DuPage County Bar Association. The blog was started by Mazyar Hedayat and he continues to oversee it.

Mazy Hedayat also writes the Bankruptcy Blog, which focuses on discussing bankruptcy decisions from around the country.