Blogroll Update

It’s time to highlight some more blogs that I read on regular basis.

A Criminal Waste of Space is a humorous column written by Justice Bedsworth. Without a doubt, he has the funniest footnotes around.

Al Nye the Lawyer Guy. I just found this blog when Al contacted me. It did not take me long to get hooked on his blog. I really like his book reviews.

Bag and Baggage by Denise Howell was one of the first prominent legal bloggers and is credited with coining the term blawg.

Blog Maverick is written by Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. Love him or hate him, Mark always has something interesting to say. He frequently asks provocative questions on the effect of technology on daily life or the law.

Blonde Justice. Although my practice does not even come close to the criminal courtroom, I am still addicted to reading this blog.

Home Office Lawyer is written by Grant Griffiths.  Despite the name of the blog, Grant provides great information that can be used by everyone who wants to leverage technology in their practice.

Inter Alia by Tom Mighell. Tom seems to find every new blog that is published. His Blog of the Day posts have introduced me to a myriad of new blogs.