Blogroll Update: The Nutmeg Lawyer & TaxGirl

I was pleasantly surprised to see that a couple of my favorite bloggers were also participating in Sean Carter’s drive to create a regularly blogging habit. At the same time, I also noticed that my blogroll was out of date and missing some bloggers that I regularly read and enjoy. One of those is The Nutmeg Lawyer.

If you are not regularly reading his blog, you should be. It is irreverent and spot on funny. For a taste of his humor, check out his post: Saving Old Glory from Obama. Are the Birthers Right. It’s great stuff.

One of my other favorite bloggers that blogs regularly, even without Sean’s influence, is Taxgirl. Despite the fact that I have less than zero interest in tax law, I often find her posts entraining and interesting. She posts about real world tax issues and the effects of taxes on regular people. So, even if you aren’t a tax fan, check out Taxgirl, as her blog page says: “Why TaxGirl? Because paying taxes is painful… but reading about them shouldn’t be.”

2 thoughts on “Blogroll Update: The Nutmeg Lawyer & TaxGirl

  1. Hey thanks! I appreciate it. And taxes aren’t so bad… I mean, paying them is. But not reading about them.

    Oh shucks. Just thanks.

  2. Appreciate the plug. Of course, you are also in our blog list.
    I now have to check out tax girl.

    Of course, your kind comments may just be a trick. After all, you are competing in Blawger survivor. I got my eye on you. LOL

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